2010 – 2018
Bachelor of Business: Market Insights: Marketing, Advertising, Retail, and Sales. Entrepreneurship, Design, Mandarin Chinese
Market Insights focuses on an omnichannel integrated approach to brand creation, development, and execution.
Extra Activities: Student Representative, Mobile App Tester, Website BETA Tester, Student Mentor
Westlake Boys High School
2004 – 2009
NCEA Level 2: English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, P.E, Outdoor Education, Economics, Law
Extra Activities: Form 6 Squash Team Leader Senior Librarian Bike-Club member Duke of Edinborough Award
Additional Tools for the trade
Linkedin Learning
- Content Marketing: Videos
- Delivering Bad News to a Customer
- Marketing Automation with HubSpot
- Social Media Marketing: ROI
Hubspot Academy
- Social Media Certification
- Inbound Marketing Certification
Google Academy
- Adwords Fundamentals
- Google Ads Fundamentals
- Google Web Designer Basics
- Google my Business

As one of the most critical thinking students I have taught in the Bachelor of Business (Marketing) I can recommend Mark as a business person who will ask the really hard questions. This is a difficult skill to develop and is not to be under-appreciated.
Mark has a critical approach to the typical “ways of doing business” and in my view, this approach is one of the stand-out ways of thinking that business needs, especially for businesses faced with twenty-first-century changes.
If you as a business want a person who is unafraid of challenging the status quo, who can see how to improve business processes for better customer experiences, and who brings an intelligent approach to work – you need to contact Mark.
Dr. Kate Jones
Marketing & Communications: AUT University