While at University, I was involved in several projects and assignments, some of which demonstrate my leadership, analytical skills, and creativity. This page outlines some of that work.
Denny's Restaurant
This was a group (5 members) report. I was designated, leader. The assignment was worth 30% of our grade.
The complete assignment can be found here: dennysassignmentfinal.
Assignment Objective:
- Management Problem: What can we do to make the restaurants appeal to a wider market?
- Conduct Qualitative and Quantitative studies
- Obtain information through primary and secondary sources
- Limit your primary data collection to a maximum of 40 participants.
The 2-page assignment brief can be found here.
- Specify a research problem, and write research objectives
- Gather secondary data to address the research problem
- Design a small primary data collection project – for example, a focus group or survey.
Your research should be limited to a student sample*, with a maximum size of n=40 - Analyse your data
- Prepare a MARS research report, including recommendations.
As with any survey, we had our participants fill out a Consent Form: focus group. Our objective with the survey was to understand the following Key Metrics:
- Demographics of participant
- Denny’s Brand Identity
- Satisfaction
- Motivation
These (anonymous) results were compiled and provided the final dennys-survey-results.
The complete assignment can be found here: dennysassignmentfinal.
Smok-O Lighters
The name “Smok-O” was an interesting play on words to represent the Market Stall our team had to prepare. Our products were BIC © Lighters that were unique in both appearance and function. After forming a contract (Partnership Agreement), we efficiently utilised the skills of each of the 4 teams (each team consisted of 8 individuals), of which I was the designated partnership leader.
Each individual input $20.00 of their own personal income into a pool which came to $620.00
Under the combined efforts, stable integration of the partners, and maintaining creative profit-focussed orienteering – we managed to achieve:
- An Overall Grade of A+
- EBIT of $2,460
- Net Profit of $1,820 – providing each member with $56.88
- Return on Investment (ROI) of 135%

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